Forever Valentine - Tahlia Suraj outfit inspiration

Forever Valentine

Dress: Urbanic // Heels: SSS // Bag: Fastrack // Earrings: Local // Rings: Local // Headband: Local

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In today’s post ‘Forever Valentine’ let me tell you a love story! But firstly, would you believe it if I told you that I once never believed in love? I grew up in Malnad looking at many distorted ideas of love and relationships to the point that I never believed in the whole idea of love, and the institution of marriage is something I could never fathom! I always wondered why are people even together if they don’t love each other. Isn’t the whole idea of love being good to one another? Being there for one another? Down the line, somewhere I turned myself into a sceptic! I closed my heart completely to even the possibility of having someone to love me!

It was only last year that I stopped saying I didn’t want to get married. It was of course when my mother sat me down one day and asked me why I didn’t want to get married. What was my reason? And I explained to her what I just said, ‘I didn’t believe in love.’ And then my mother told me something that shifted my perspective altogether! She told me, ‘If you want to know what love is then look at your grandparents. Don’t look for bad examples. Look at what is right in front of you.’ My grandparents lived over 60 years together. They spent most of their life with one another. Of course, they are no more. But I’ll tell you why they were the perfect example of true love and how intelligently my mother captured the idea of true love for me.

In her final days, my grandmother suffered from Renal failure. The day she was diagnosed was the day we were told that she wouldn’t last very long. My grandfather wasn’t in the room when this was told but that night when my uncle sat him down for a chat and gently told him what was going on, I think he must have been taken aback! I think he must have thought about it all night. The next day after his breakfast, my grandfather had a heart attack. Big enough for him to leave us suddenly. He was a healthy fit man but the thought of losing his wife must have been really dreadful for him to contain. It wasn’t even a month’s time and my grandma followed suit. They both lived together and they both died together!

And I think that’s what true love is. That feeling that my grandparents shared for one another. Now, I am not saying that you should kill yourself for your lover! That’s far from what I am trying to say. What I am trying to say is that true love exists and it chooses the same person over and over again for a million days until one day it can’t. I think couples that grow old together are perfect examples of true love because they choose one another every single day despite having the option to bail!

They commit to loving, caring and showing up for the same person till their last breath! They are each other’s forever Valentine and they continue to do so until the very end! So, today I dedicate this post to my grandparents who chose each other every single day and restored my faith in love. They taught me what love is and what it looks like! I remember my grandma would come home after a fight with Grandpa and it wouldn’t even be a day before she would go, ‘Did you see? I came here angry and he didn’t even care to call!’ And this was in her 80’s for God’s sake! I chuckle every time I remember this.

I hope this Valentine’s Day, whether you are single or double! Haha! I mean in a relationship, I hope you find true love, in what you already have or looking for. I hope in this world of situationships, you can find someone who will choose you and keep choosing you every single day despite the many odds that might come your way! Someone who will be there. Someone who will stay! Someone who would choose ‘us’ over the idea of ‘me’ every single day! Happy Valentine’s Day! May love find us and this time when it does, May it stay! And hopefully this time next year you can also say you have what they call your ‘forever Valentine!’ I’ll see you again but until then stay healthy and stay stylish! ❤️

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